Frequently Asked Questions

These are common questions parents have had regarding competition logistics, content, and signups.
Email us at if you have further inquiries!

The competition consists of individual and team rounds, including Super Sprint, Mental Mania, Team Tumble, and Lynx Lightning Round.

Super Sprint

Standard individual competition round, 25 problems of increasing difficulty in 30 minutes.

Mental Mania

No paper and pencil allowed, each question will be read aloud twice by the proctor and students will then be given 10 more seconds to complete each problem. 10 problems total.

Team Tumble

Teams of 4 compete to complete 10 problems of a higher difficulty compared to the individual round. 25 minutes.

Lynx Lightning Round

Teams of 4 will compete in a relay round where the answer to the prior question plays a role in the current question. Winners of the classroom rounds will advance to a final playoff available to spectators.

Due to the unexpected number of responses, our registration form is closed for the year. Check back next year!

The competition is recommended for 4th and 5th graders, but open to all elementary school students.

We recommend checking our past problems from similar competitions, such as Math Is Cool and the first 5-ish problems from the AMC 8.

The competition will cover elementary algebra, geometry, combinatorics, and number theory.

We offer Math Masters and Numerical Novices. Math Masters is recommended for students with prior competition experience or advanced math proficiency.

If you did not select to have specific teammates on the registration form, or only selected one other student, we will be making the rest of your team for you with other competitors. We will be basing this off of school primarily, but if there are not enough students in one school, or it wasn’t listed on the form, teammates will be randomly assigned. If you have a team of 1 or 2 and do not wish to have additional teammates, send us an email.

You are not required to stay during the competition, but we will be giving a presentation for interested parents about the summer math tutoring program we asked about on the registration form! Beyond that, you are welcome to volunteer to help us grade during the competition As for watching the competition, parents can watch their students compete in the final round of the competition.

We are happy to announce that we will be providing free pizza for all students attending! We will however not be able to accommodate dietary restrictions, so we recommend you bring a bag lunch from home if needed. We also recommend bringing a snack and water, for during the rounds.

Registration and food are completely free! However, this does mean the costs are coming out of club funds. For that reason, we ask that if you are willing, consider donating to our club! It will help us keep doing events like these annually. Please check the Information page for more details.